Bob worked in industry for over 34 years prior to starting a family owned business, which he has operated over 7 years. His 34 year work experience in industry was with the Dupont Corporation in several facilities throughout the United States including Tennessee, North and South Carolina. His career with Dupont included many and various positions from supervision, engineering, management, to safety. Additionally he worked out of the corporate headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware as a Dupont Senior Safety Consultant serving many DuPont sites as well as consulting for many major corporations throughout the United States. He was one of two initial consultants who started the 24/7 DuPont Behavior Based Safety consultation effort with several major corporations in and beyond the US.
Presently his company, Comprehensive Safety Resources, LLC is headquartered in Summerville, South Carolina with an office in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He has done extensive audits and training with the US Navy SPAWAR Operations. His company has also worked with the Invista Corporation on the Process Safety Management Standard and done some extensive 5 year Revalidations of Invista’s Process Hazard Analyses. They have also done Process Safety Management work for the Koch Company. His organization has performed in depth PHA’s for a DuPont Corporation Process. He has also done training as an instructor for the Safety and Health Council of North Carolina. He has trained Maersk management (Regional and Corporate) on Safety Investigation Processs, Safety Auditing Process, and Job Safety Analysis. Bob has done some consulting work for the Daimler/Chrysler Corporation. He has worked with the John Deere Corporation providing Supervisory Development Training for Supervision at several levels in the organization. He has provided Safety Investigation:Root Cause Analysis Training for the major construction company Skanska Civil – Southeast Organization including their Safety Personnel, Quality Personnel, Supervision and Safety Director, as well as their top management, from Washington, DC, Virginia Beach, Virginia to Jacksonville, Florida. In addition, Bob has also provided major corporations with some Safety Investigation Team Process efforts. Bob has made several presentations at many different Safety Congresses, Safety Conferences, and at many different Corporations and Fraternal Clubs. The presentations included Safety Incident Investigation, PSM, Behavior Based Safety, Hand Safety, Ladder Safety, Vacation Safety and General Safety as well as many other varied requested subjects and topics.
Bob served previously on the Low Country Safety Council Board of Directors in South Carolina. Bob continues to serve on the Board of Directors of the Safety and Health Council of North Carolina where he began serving in 1988. Bob was the Charter President of the Low Country Chapter of the American Society of Engineers. He is a Professional Member of the American Society of Safety Engineers and a member of the Veterans of Safety, as well as a member of several Community and Church organizations. Bob also served as State Deputy of South Carolina for the Knights of Columbus Catholic Fraternal Organization as well as on the Staffs of both North and South Carolina Knights of Columbus Organizations.
Bob has been happily married to Nancy for 45 plus years and they reside in Summerville, South Carolina. Bob and Nancy have three children, two daughters and a son. They also have 7 granddaughters ranging from 3 years to 16 years in age and 1 grandson age 2 months.